Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Eternal Quinn

I'm still pretty new to the whole fanfiction thing having always shied away from playing in someone else's playground. Same verse stuff was more my thing. Having to try to follow certain guidelines is harder than I want to admit.

One of my favorite characters to write is Quinn because she has so much room for growth within Cannon.

She is also one of the saddest characters I've seen.

Funny that the writers gave her so much potential for growth and experience that they left out of the main characters.

Surprises is up and running and doing ok.

Kind of hard to believe I just posted Pause in Life just 4 months ago. Hell I can't get through a week now without writing something in the Daria verses. Maybe it's the wide range that the whole Daria universe allows.

So that's it for now.

Go read something.

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